History of Nazi Germany | Resurrection of Germany

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 The Resurrection of Germany (1930)

In the mid-1930s, Germany has been re-emerged under the leadership of Hitler. At that time, the Nazi economic minister, Hjalmar Schahct, succeeded in removing unemployment in Germany by creating projects that absorb much labor such as construction projects and project Autobahn German military re-armament. The Nazis also increase the military budget in the first year of their powers to the extent that the military cannot afford to spend all the budgeted cost. Such projects bring Germany into a state of full employment (full employment). The people to jobs and income so that they can buy food. Re-armament also removed the shame of the German people for having surrendered in World War I.
 In 1935, England, who was feeling guilty about the Versailles Treaty imposed onerous German people, make a new treaty with Hitler. In the agreement, Hitler allowed to build up its navy beyond what is allowed in the Versailles Treaty. Hitler who wanted to strengthen its relationship with the UK then sends Joachim Von Ribbentrop in the summer of 1936 to pursue the creation of an alliance between England by Germany. Unfortunately, Joachim Von Ribbentrop in England failed to make a deal, not because England did not want an alliance with Germany, but because the British considered the Nazis to send people who are too arrogant. Ribbentrop made ​​a fatal mistake by giving the Nazi salute (a raised right hand) to the British King George VI.

 The Nazis ordered the Jews to mop up the streets in Austria to humiliate them. In 1936, the German people think their country has turned into a better country in the hands of Hitler after he ordered German troops to enter the back area of ​​Germany that had separated from Versailles treaty, the Rhineland. In addition to the Rhineland, Hitler ordered his troops to enter the territory of the other German-speaking population, Austria, on March 15, 1938. In both countries, the Germans are warmly welcomed and festive. Furthermore, the German people to see action, taking back the Rhineland and Austria as a sign that their country began to regain strength and pride. Upon their return to Germany, Hitler's fanfare greeted as a hero of the Germans.

 However, in that triumph, there is also an amazing event that changed the lives of the German people. The Jews were systematically excluded from Germany. Nuremberg Law of 1935 prohibits marriage of Jews with other Germans, and declared that Jews were not German citizens. Hitler and his Nazis are also waging propaganda claimed that the power of Jews in Germany was too big and the lure of the German people to resist, for example, by saying that among the 4,800 lawyers in Berlin, 3600, he was a Jew. Propaganda is successfully changing the public opinion of Germany so that they would not mind if Jews removed from German states.

 In Austria alone, the SS began to carry out the action "cleansed" of Jews from the land that is now part of the German nation. Austrian Jews were also forced to do work that is designed to humiliate them; e.g. brush to clean the streets. In addition to SS troops, some residents also joined Austria Nazi supporters insult the Jewish people; they kicked the Jews, who are working and laughing.

It cannot stand being discriminated against and treated roughly, thousands of Jews out of Germany during the 1930s.

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