History of Nazi Germany | German Stormtroopers

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Cleansing officers StormTroopers (1934)

The German people only need less than 12 weeks in power Hitler to see what becomes of the status of Jews in the new Nazi state. On 1 April 1933, the party boycott, all Jewish-owned stores for a full day. The Nazis made ​​the Jews as a scapegoat for the defeat in World War I and many other failures. Most of the German people allowed it because it was considered as part of the revolution.
 In the early months of Nazi's rule, Jews were Germans were also victims of the attacks and the violence of the Storm Troopers (SA). The troops were also taking other hard steps. In 1933, together with a student who is sympathetic, SA conducts a mass burning of books "banned," especially those made by Jewish authors. Furthermore, Ernst Julius Röhm, supreme leader of Storm Troopers, also demanded that the troops enter the regular German Army. Military balked at the idea. Rejections of the Storm Troopers were motivated by dislike of the military will their behavior and appearance; Storm Troopers Military hated most of the soldiers became increasingly clear Jerman.Juga-not only for the military-that Julius Ernst Rohm, supreme commander of the Storm Troopers, tried to take control of the German Armed Forces. He attempted to become Minister of the Armed Forces and formed his own troops.

 In the summer of 1934, Hitler had a very shocking news. Heinrich Himmler, who also aspired to power, which is technically still working for Julius Ernst Roehm in the Nazi hierarchy, reported to Hitler that Ernst Röhm, Hitler's old friend who now serves as the supreme leader of Storm Troopers (SA), is preparing a coup and Hitler believed. On June 30, 1934, while on holiday in Bavaria, Ernst Rohm was arrested and taken to a nearby jail, two days later he was shot dead. Not only there, in July 1934, Hitler was also "clean up" the ranks of the SA officer accused of preparing a revolution.

The armed forces are very grateful, and they died like Rohm and reduced the power of Storm Troopers. As an expression of gratitude, they raised themselves to say the oath of allegiance to Hitler personally. The man, now, after the death of President Hindenburg, not only served as Chancellor of Germany, but also leaders of the country.

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