History of Nazi Germany, Founded the Nazis

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History of the Founded Nazi Germany

  Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP was a political party that was once owned by a German, who founded in 1920 and based in Munich. Before it named Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers' Party), the party's name was changed at the insistence of Adolf Hitler to incorporate elements of national socialism. NSDAP's official symbol is the Swastika.

  NSDAP was the main political force in Nazi Germany since the fall of the Weimar Republic in 1933 until the end of World War II in 1945, when it was declared illegal and its leaders were arrested and charged with crimes against humanity through the Nurenberg Tribunal. The adherents of the Nazi Party and the executor has raised a new political ideology, commonly known as "Nazism."

  Founded the Nazis (1920)
  In early 1918, a party named Freier Deutschen Ausschuss für einen Arbeiterfrieden (Committee for the Free German Workers Peace) was founded in Bremen, Germany. Anton Drexler, a locksmith and poet, founded a branch of the association on March 7, 1918, in Munich. In 1919, Drexler, Gottfried Feder a, Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer, renaming the party into Arbeiterparte Deutsche (German Workers' Party), or commonly abbreviated as DAP

  in 1919, Rohm joined the party. There, he meets a veteran of World War I, aged 30 years: Corporal Adolf Hitler as Rohm, hate the Communists and Jews. Hitler joined the German worker's party in 1919. Members listed on the card, he was member number 555 despite the fact he was member number 55; party was given a number ranging from 500 to look at a lot of members.

  Hitler was no different than thousands of other ex-soldiers in Munich. He was hanging around with no job security. However, now he has realized his natural talent for speeches and attract people to join the party, so it has a dominant role there. He channeled hatred, anger over the war ended with a fiery speech. Hitler was always talking about what he called the injustice Versailles peace treaty signed at the end of World War I. Under the treaty, Germany lost a lot of territory. And forced to pay compensation to the winning countries. In early 1920, inflation is rampant out of control, financial totally destroyed so that the German people think that democracy does not produce anything.

   In Bayern in 1921 Hitler was named to head the party's small German workers. His name is converted into Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party"), abbreviated NSDAP or Nazi. When it is just one of many right-wing parties in Munich, and they all say the same thing: Versailles is a crime, and the Jewish group was behind him.

  Hitler's dynamism coupled with the uncompromising tone in his speeches began to attract the citizens of other leading bayern to turn to the new Nazi party. In 1922, an accomplished aviator award holder "Pour le Merite" as well as squadron commander in World War I Richthodenber, Hermann Göring, joined with the Nazis. Nazi's influence was spreading into rural area's Bayern. There, a student of agriculture who originally wanted to become a chicken farmer, Heinrich Himmler, joined the Nazi (later, on, he was appointed supreme commander of the SS).

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