History of Nazi Germany | Hitler become Chancellor of Germany

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Hitler become Chancellor of Germany

  In 1928 or seven years after Hitler led the party; the Nazis failed to win power in elections. In this election, the Nazis only get 2.6% votes. However, 4 years and 18 months later, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany because of Nazi backed by the state.

  In the 1930s, Jermah bankrupt. World prices of agricultural products, which fall resulted in poverty; the collapse of Wall Street resulted in a worldwide economic decline, coupled with the bills coming from the United States are increasingly pressing supply of foreign exchange German. In 1931 unemployment in Germany increased by 5 million people. Unemployed live in urban areas with great difficulty when Germany became the country with the worst economy in the world. The situation got worse when the five major banks in Germany were destroyed in 1931 caused more than 20,000 German firms went bankrupt.

  Unexpectedly, the economic crisis, the vote for the Nazi rise. People became interested in their principles: "Versailles is a crime and the Jews are behind it. Marxism must be destroyed, and the German nation must be born again." In fact, because so bored with the state of the economy, the rural people who have never heard of Hitler and the Nazi party vote. Like for example in a remote town in the region of East Prussia, Neidenburg, there is increased sound very drastic for the Nazis. In 1928, the Nazis got 2.3% votes here. However, in 1930 the support they received the numbers jumped to 25.8%; when Hitler had never visited there, and no representatives of the Nazi party in the city. However, not only the Nazis who started on the rise, the communists also began to receive support so that the new democracy was born in Germany in danger because the voters pushed to extremes; between Nazis and Communists. The dispute is taking place, and the Nazi storm troops (SA) with the Communists.

  "Our opponents accuse us National Socialists, and me in particular, of being intolerant and quarrelsome. They say that we don't want to work with other parties. They say the National Socialists are not German at all, because they refuse to work with other political parties. So is it typically German to have thirty parties? I have to admit one thing - these gentleman are quite right. We are intolerant. I have given myself one goal - to sweep these thirty political parties out of Germany. They mistake us for one of them. We have one aim, and we will follow it fanatically and ruthlessly to the grave"

  Results on the elections in July 1932, the Nazis became the largest party in Germany to reach 37.4% of the vote. Now there's only one person who becomes a barrier between Hitler and the position of the chancellor: President Hindenburg, who had to compete with Hitler to the post of president and defeat him. Hitler met Hindenberg on August 13, 1932 and at the meeting, Hitler demanded to be chancellor; Hindenburg refused. He did not agree when government power is given to one party does not represent a majority of voters and, furthermore, are not tolerant of low discipline and often use violence.

  It then came the group of people who started to push and lobby President Hindenburg, including one in which a former entrepreneur Hjalmar Schacht Director Reich Bank. He wrote letters to Hindenburg insisted that Hitler was given the mandate for the good at the German Chancellor. Entrepreneurs when it prefers to be ruled by the Nazi German economy rather than a clear communist will kill their business. The new pressures arise as a result of military war games: a report to the Cabinet affirmed that the civil unrest, the military cannot control whether Nazi or Communist.

  However, not only we are under pressure Hindenburg; Nazis also get the same thing. Nazi Party threatened bankruptcy and out of money after one of the major figures of the party, Gregor Strasser, resigned. So that their vote fell to 33%, it seems support for them has reached the maximum point. Fortunately, the Nazis had the support of the traditional left groups that want to overthrow democracy and communism because without the support of Hitler, they would not be able to do so. One of them. Former Chancellor Von Papen nobility, offering a deal: Hitler could become Chancellor if he, Von Papen, the vice chancellor, and there are only two other Nazis who entered the cabinet which is filled by a majority of those traditional conservatives. That way, he hopes Hitler's influence can be "tamed." Finally, Hindenburg offered the position of Chancellor Adolf Hitler on January 30, 1933. And immediately after the official appointment, one of the Hindenburg's closest friend at the time of World War I, General Ludendorff, send a telegram to him:

  "I foresee, in earnest, that" the damned "This will bring our country into the abyss. Future generations will curse you for it."

On January 30, 1933 that, the Nazis held a celebration parade in Berlin; revolution has begun.

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