History of Nazi Germany, The Nazi Revolution (1923)

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The Nazi Revolution (1923)

Month of January 1923 in the Ruhr, the French troops came to demand payment of war indemnity, alienate and insult the German people. France ruled them with an iron fist. German people regard this as retaliation. Hitler and Nazi Germany take advantage of popular discontent.

In Munich in 1923, in a crisis situation caused by the occupation of the Ruhr, Hitler and his Nazis began to act. Hitler's standing on stage Burgerbrau Keller on November 8, and stop right-wing political meeting, he called for the implementation of a national revolution to overthrow the leftist government in Berlin. The next day, 9 November 1923, the Nazis, along with other right-wing parties marched in Munich to gather support. They were stopped by police at the war memorial Feldherrenhalle. Initially, the Nazi military and police hope to support the parade and join them, but the opposite happened; the police does not support them; shots were fired, and participant's parade disbanded. Fortunately, for Hitler, he survived the shooting. Four police officers and 16 members of the Nazis lost their lives. In addition to killing the police, some Nazi followers are also committing a bank robbery in action.

Hitler then tried with the other parade leaders in early 1924 on charges of assault against police and bank robberies. In court, challenging Hitler with his saying:

"You can declare us guilty a thousand times, but the goddess of the eternal court of history will lead, with a smile, tearing the prosecutor charges and the decision of this court. And the goddess will liberate us."

Hitler became famous for his bold statement. Georg Neithardt judge, the trial judges who heard the remarks were so sympathetic to her and even sent a message to the Court of Appeal to reduce the period of confinement Hitler. As a result, Hitler only has to undergo a nine-month prison sentence in Landsberg Prison, after the revolution ignited, killing four police officers, and bank robbery. 1924, the name of Hitler and the Nazis had set.

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