Spiritual Space In The Human Brain
Professor of health psychology at the University of Missouri, Brick Johnstone, said, "we have found a neuro-psychological basis for spirituality. More surprising, the area is not isolated to one particular area."
Spirituality is a much more dynamic concept that uses a lot of specific parts to the brain. It also plays a more significant role. However, they all work together to facilitate the spiritual experience of every individual.
The study was based on observations of Johnstone, who studied a group of people with traumatic brain injury. Injury that affects the right parietal lobe, the brain is located a few inches above the right ear.
Neuropsychological researchers have consistently shown that a decrease in focus on the right side as the brain is sometimes reduced in a person. The study also showed that people with this disorder feel more spiritual and closer to God.
Johnstone added the right side as the brain associated with self-orientation, while the left side associated with how individuals relate to others.
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