Giant Camera Pixels 3.2 Billion

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Giant Camera Pixels 3.2 Billion

 Appropriate size, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) giant. The telescope is supported by the 3.2 billion pixels per inch is ready to photograph the night sky in a week for 10 years.

  Detail design of this telescope has been announced by the creator. Once created, this telescope will provide data to a scientist's universe.

  The research team telescope has received approval from the Department of Energy United States. They are now in the deepening phase of design, scheduling, and budget calculations.

  LSST project was launched in 1998. "Very glad to see this project finally be able to walk," said LSST project director, Steven Kahn as quoted from page

 This observation telescope will gather at 6 million gigabytes of data every year. Every detail of the images will provide knowledge about dark energy, near-Earth asteroids and Kuiper belt region near the orbit of Neptune where Pluto and other objects circulating ice.

  LSST can also monitor the Earth-threatening asteroids. All data LSST will be publicly accessible so that you can fly across the universe.

  The telescope is scheduled for completion this year. However, the latest announcement says LSST construction began in 2014. Researchers have been prepared to do a mirror 8.4 meters in northern Chile.

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