Baghdad Battery

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Baghdad Battery is one of the most confuse ancient artifacts scientists and archaeologists. In 1930 ago, on a plot of ancient tombs outside Baghdad (Khujut Rabula), some archaeologists are doing excavations there discovered a artifact that supposedly represent a set of chemical batteries have reached age over 2000 years!

Baghdad Battery

Strange artifacts consists of a cylinder of copper, iron rods and asphalt are arranged in such a way in a small vase (height 13.5 cm, diameters 8 cm) made of clay. Once again the experts they are true they will be found that the artifact is a battery ancient electric!
The researchers managed to gain 1.5 stone artifacts voltmeter of the electric battery, which worked nonstop for 18 days by entering into a vase of liquid acid.

Baghdad Battery

Age of ancient artifacts battery is estimated to range from 2000-5000 years, long before Alessandro Volta (Italy) made ​​the first battery in 1800 and Michael Faraday (England) discovered the law of electromagnetic induction and electrolysis at the distance of its discovery until 1831 has now reached about 200
This finding could revolutionize the human outlook will present technological advances that have been achieved by past human civilization. apparently, electrical activity has been known to man in those days.

Not only are the Baghdad battery draw the attention of scientists and archaeologists around the world, but there are some similar artifacts also alleged past as electrical equipment, such as Dendeera Lamps, Assyrian Seal, and The Coffin of Henettawy.
Dendeera lamps is actually a relief in a temple in Egypt depicting a Pharaoh was holding an object similar to a light bulb complete with its depiction of the power supply cable.

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