History of tarot cards

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No one knows for certain where and when discovered early tarot. That said, the tarot was originally designed in gold leaf stored neatly as well as a subject of research in the caliphate of Alexandria. However, these studies have not been completed. The famous ancient library burned grand trigger.

Even so, according to historical records, the tarot is estimated to have been born since before Moses; new in the 14th century began to be known in continental Europe. Thanks to the Egyptian naib introduced in order to test the students in the century the glory of Islam in Spain.
As described above, in passing mentioned, stated that the tarot into Spain at the beginning of the 13th century. Known as naypes or naib, meaning in Arabic is a vice.

Idris Shah in his book The Sufis say that the tarot original materials used in blades of tarot cards is the result of the discovery that to this day still exists. Vice here is meant a representation of the seeker of Sufi teaching that describes the influence of cosmic nature to humanity.

ES Taylor writing in his book The History of Playing Cards (1865) reinforces the theory that tarot enters Europe through Spain and Italy in the early 1300's AD by the Saracens people.

Of the several kinds of references are also noted the widespread notion that tarot came from the China trip and get a form of development in India.

Of China
Many people predicted the real card game originated from China and Korea from 10-12 century BC, based on the design of banknotes.

 Introductory tarot most likely more intense because of the role of the gypsies who left India to Egypt, Fez, Morocco, followed the footsteps of the mystics, and followers of the Cabala in the days of Moses. The nomadic gypsies are then intelligently in Europe and Asia. Up to this time, the original documents to-22 Arkana Home tarot cards are stored in museums in the city of Fez, Morocco.

Year 1367 ruling in the city of Bern, Switzerland, have officially banned the game tarot as a venue for gambling. Later, in 1376, the ruler of Florence, the capital of the province of Tuscany in Italy, following the steps which pioneered the ruler of Bern.

Year 1392 documented 17 strands of tarot designs created by Jacquemin Gringonneur as an offering to King Charles VI of France and now in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. In development at a later date, at the end of the 15th century, tarot de Marseilles became very famous to this day.

Keep in mind, in India do not use the card game before the beginning of its appearance in mainland Europe. Their card collection round consists of 8-10 packs of cards, each consisting of 12 pieces of card. Interestingly, the fourth arm of Goddess Ardhanari depicted holding a cup, stick, sword and ring as a symbol of material or money. However, special designs Ardhanari Goddess had never introduced or drawn arbitrarily on the card.

Tarot and the triumph in northern Italy at the beginning of the 15th century. Thanks to the creation of a noble family at the Visconti-Sforza 1432-1440, tarot card designs are created in accordance with the taste of the arts that developed since that time, as a special treat for children of their marriage.

At the end of the 18th century, when occurred the French Revolution, the art of reading tarot grown rapidly since the condition of the country since that time is not completely sure. So, it brings good luck to Etteilla and Madame Lenormand tarot designs that create variety and then became reference material to this day.

Since then the name and design of the Italian nobleman who originally made a big change, and the latest design is a key foundation in the future development of the tarot.

 Early, 20th century with the introduction of different growing collection of tarot designs published by British and American culture of Western mysticism, the Kaaba is a close relationship with the world of astrology. Among other leading cards, we recognize the general packaging Waite Tarot, Crowley, Case and Zain.

Since 1960, the creativity of the artist tarot makes a big leap in producing new designs all around the world of tarot. Not to mention the countless artists who publish his tarot design is very personal. One sign that people of any age with a variety of faiths that still need answers quickly and easily understood when tripping problem.

The purity
Theories about the origin of tarot purity to this day still exciting debate. However, it could not hurt us to note those who contributed to research on the tarot, among others, is the Court de Gebelin (1723-1767), who believe in tarot originated in Egypt as a means of initiation to become a priest. belin mistaken belief after Champollion managed to find a way to read the letters of Ancient Egypt (hieroglyph).

Until now, the research on ancient Egypt never found the words Tar and Ro in the Ancient Egyptian language as what was claimed by Gébelin. However, at the time of Champollion succeeded in decoding the hieroglyphic's code, The Book of Toth, a book that describes the mystical Ancient Egypt was already a widely circulated and believed by the general public.

Etteila, a forecaster in the glory days Napoleon who studies the closeness of the relationship descriptions arithmetical figures find the purity of the close relationship tarot Thoth-Hermes design. As it is believed that the god, Thoth was the god Osiris's consultant best known as the god of wisdom who has the expertise to write, timer, inventor of the figure number.

Eliphas Levi (1810-1875), in 1854 published his book Dogme et de la Haute Magie Rituel or in English better known as Transcendental Magic, known as the founder of the foundation of fortune with Tarot cards. He rejected the idea Etteila, but thinking back to Gébelin, by adding the system was the Ka'ABA (the ancient Hebrew mysticism) and the four elements of alchemy on tarot cards.

Pap us (1865-1916), a physicist and the occult philosophy that wrote the book The Tarot of the Bohemians. Pap us believe that the cards originate in Egypt. Describe the examination and payment under the pyramid.
When the temples are full of mystery collapses then the religious commentators decided that virtue is something very noble to understand ordinary people, so they finally keep it a secret and only taught to people who are already achieving Emma'rift only. For the cloud, just given the basics of the game symbols that do not invite danger. Gypsies are the ones who introduced the symbols that are easy to understand.

AE Waite (1857-1942), a British national, the occult philosopher and one of the members of the Golden Dawn, believes there are elements of intent to divert the attention of confidentiality wisdom of tarot symbols. "Sublime symbol's tarot speaks through the language of the universe are not restricted by language or symbols shallow. Language easy to understand the universe with just a psychological healthy, clear, and clear as we recognize the letters of the alphabet and be able to develop and establish the meaning of the word -a sense. "

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), who is also a member of the Golden Dawn, consider the authenticity of the tarot not matter dramatically. He said that each person has a map of the emblem of the All-Akbar in the process of mental climbs to reach a higher dimension. And to understand each symbol of the card, someone recommended to set the findings of the cards based on the wisdom of the time and the development of the personality of each person.

Paul Foster Case (1884-1954), a successful pioneer who developed the course through correspondence tarot, tarot created one considers that in the eleventh century AD in Fez, Morocco since the collapse of the great library in Alexandria. Intention to maintain discretion on this planet to extinction. Case opens to promote meditation tarot courses related to tarot, astrology, numbers, numbers, colors, sounds, and the Tree of Life.

Many people assume that Hugh de Pay ens, a member of the Knights of Templar also had a big hand in introducing Europe to the Eastern philosophy and art and culture in the year 1188 AD.

C.C. Zain in his famous in India and Egypt believed that the Tarot comes through Bodha Atma or Soul Book of Knowledge. Tarot its design background description of the emblem by Iamblichus, the Neoplatonic one-fourth century BC.

P.D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) delivered another theory, which says that the real inventor of the tarot is a philosopher and alchemy, named Raymond Lully, who lived during the 13th century and wrote the book "Philosophical Machine." According to Ouspensky, he also predicted that the tarot is actually a series insist of hermetic science. Which is nothing but a system that studies the relationship of human psychology with the supernatural and the real world?

Education pattern so far only focused on the use of reason is only for rational thinking. Not conceived in the thought of the educators to schedule a training curriculum that takes the importance of honing psychological intensity.

Is Carl Gustav Jung and Freud, who have rendered it pioneered the importance of psychological science? Which they see themselves wisely recognize that the tarot is one of the tools that is efficacious enough to restore confidence and find a person's potential.

1 Comment:

Unknown said... June 1, 2012 at 6:10 AM

I have a great faith in Online Tarot Card Reading and that's why I am bit curious about the origin of Tarot cards and after concerning a lot tarot cards I mostly found answer that it was Egypt basically which is thought to be its origin.

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