Phobia Types

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Some people have over fears about the world in which we live. Sometimes, the fear was impressed not make sense to other people. For example, fear of flying, fear of narrow spaces, or a fear of spiders. So far, we already know of some types of phobias are common in the community. However, the following may have never crossed your mind.

1. Ablutophobia: Fear for shower, washing, or cleaning the body. Many are found in children and women than in men.

2. Alektorophobia: over Fear of chickens. There are even some people who are hit by a wave of fear at the sight of chicken feathers or eggs. While for some people, his fear was only a touch of uncooked chicken meat.

3. Bromidrosiphobia: Seldom has a man who thinks that he has body odor. However, the people who experiencing bromidrosiphobia always haunted by the fear of exaggeration that body issued a very bad smell, so they can make others go. or leafy bushes. They may believe that the tree will be able to hurt them. Moreover, coupled with the darkness in the woods and the breeze that can make them more scared and paralyzed fear.

4. Caligynephobia: over Fear of beautiful women. This can be experienced by both women and men. This fear arises from the possibility of a bad experience with a beautiful woman.

5. Somniphobia: People who have this condition feel afraid to go to bed, because they are too afraid to not be able to wake up again or have nightmares. Most people with this phobia will drink beverages containing caffeine or pills, so they can stay awake. Unfortunately, when sleep is very important for the health and life, yes.

6. Dendrophobia: Fear of trees and forests. Sufferers will feel afraid to enter the forest area or leafy bushes. They may believe that the tree will be able to hurt them. Moreover, coupled with the darkness in the woods and the breeze that can make them more scared and paralyzed fear.

7. Heliophobia: is fear of the sun and its rays. The sufferer will choose to always be in the room and close all the windows or crevices that could be penetrated by sunlight. Not infrequently, people with phobias are often given the nickname "vampire" for fear of direct sunlight.

8. Ichthyophobia: Fear of fish, whether alive or dead condition, whether on sea or on the dinner plate. Most likely, the appearance of fish with big eyes and a slimy body was the trigger for the onset of this strange phobia. While for the phobia of sharks, has no specific term, that is galeophobia. This shark phobia triggered by a number of display lot about sharks and the tragedy that caused this fish, which is widely available on television and movies.

9. Mageirocophobia: is over fear of cooking activity. Sometimes, this phobia is associated with the act of cooking for other people or large groups. However, in some extreme cases are found, the sufferer can not even cook simple foods like toast or fried eggs!

10. Nomophobia: Phobias are a relatively new and is associated with the trend. Nomophobia are phobias that arise when not able to access the contact on the phone, either because of cell loss, low battery, or loss of signal coverage. Strange, but true!

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