History of Spain during World War II

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History of Spain during World War II

A. Background History 

In Spain, itself is a continuation of the 19th century period of upheaval and revolt from the previous period. A Republic was established in 1873 soon, but the following year back on the throne of King Alfonso XII. His son, Alfonso XII, who has a reputation for surprising because the long-running reign between 1883-1931, but he was the first Spanish king abdicated without any bloodshed. Nearing the end of the 19th century, the Spanish workers put their hopes for the party and labor party sosalis as their problem-solving way. Peokan and the rebellion was brutally suppressed by the government.

Revolutionary ideas spread and grow very rapidly at the beginning of the 1920s. The strike forced the king ushered in Catalonia General Primo de Rivera became a military dictatorship in Spain. King lowered his throne and established a government of the Republic. Republican leaders of the people don't a mighty efforts to make political changes and economic, but the change was an effort that was almost impossible to do because they have to deal with the conservative tradition, the challenge of the landlords, the king, the church, as well as radical action of the n impressive. The front of the people's victory was followed by chaos left. In the elections held in 1936 that allows the alliance between the Republican, socialist, labor, and communists gained the victory and set fire to the general uprising against the government.

Civil war in 1936-1939 there were two among the Spanish forces, namely the people's Republic fronts followers and soldiers under the command of Francisco Franco. The nationalists, led by the Franco dictatorship backed by Germany and Italy, while the Soviet Union provided aid to the Republic. City after city fell into the hands of the nationalists by the year 1939, with a killed between 500,000 to 1,000,000 inhabitants.

B. Spanish at Era-World War II
Franco's government, which holds Caudillo (leader) became head of state; commander of the armed forces, and leader of the sole legal party is the party Falange. On the epidemic in 1947, Spain held the first general election in 41 years. A new constitution enacted in 1978, Spain became a Kingdom changed her parliament. The king is the head of state and choose a prime minister as head of government.
Political change will come in Spain, but the wounds inflicted by civil war has not been completed. In 1981 the king's decisive action to quell the rebellion by the trial right. However, in the general elections held in 1982, the socialist party in power to the opposition raced 40 years.
Together with the improving economy in Spain is quite astonishing recent years, the sustainability of development remains a pressing issue for the new government. Large amounts of foreign investment, followed by hard work managed to evoke the Spanish industrialization. In short, the economic success of Spain since the mid 1950s has to be equipped with new economic development policy, which emphasized the basic needs of the state and society.

C. Social, Economic, Cultural at era-World War II
The fact that affects the lives of the Spaniards now shows a step change in depth. These changes can be felt in various fields. This change has also hit the middle class or lower. Under hard labor, organization was also an homage to these changes as well as among the Spanish people's lives everyday.
Rhythm of change has reached a point that could have been held beyond the strict limits of government. Economic, and social life, the Spanish wants and needs new ideas and new settlements. Spain has been determined to join the euro after an absence of centuries. In the most decisive steps, Spain decided to join the North Atlantic defense organization (NATO) in 1982. It is even more important is that in 1986 the Spanish official was a member of the European Economic Community (EEC) and now has become a member of the European Union.

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