Kristallnacht (1938)
In the fall of 1938, there was a shocking event: Ernst Von Rath, a German diplomat, died in Paris in the hands of a young Jew named Herschel Gryuzspan an angry look at the Nazi treatment of the family.
Ernst Von Rath |
In commemoration of the Revolutionary Experiment Burgerbrau Keller (which occurred in 1923), Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister, requesting approval of Hitler's Storm Troopers to liberate (SA) to carry out revenge for the murder of Ernst's events to the Jews, and Hitler agreed. And finally, there was an event known as the Kristalnacht; Crystal Night. In that event, troop's storm destroyed about 8,000 homes, shops and other buildings owned by Jews. They also kill and imprison at least 30,000 people were Jewish; 1668 destroyed the synagogue and burned 267 of them. [5] Many of the Germans who disagree with this event, one of whom is Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg, a Nazi officer who almost killed Hitler in later. [2], Even so, the popularity of Hitler is not compromised. Hitler had never talked about it in public so that most of the German people believe that it happened not on the will of the Fuehrer, but because of the brutality of Storm Troopers themselves.
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