History of Spanish Language

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History of Spanish Language

Spanish is now known, is derived from the Latin dialect that developed in the north of the center of the Iberian Peninsula which is now northern Spain.

Over the last 1,000 years, the language is extended south to the Mediterranean Sea, and then passed on to the Spanish colonial empire, especially in the Americas. Current language is the official language of 21 countries and international organizations, and is one of the six official UN languages​​.

Standard Spanish language is also called Castile. In its first form until around the 15th century, the language was commonly called the Old Spanish. From about the 16th century onwards, the language is called Modern Spanish. Spanish in the 16th century and the Spanish 17 is sometimes called "classical", referring to the literary achievements of the time.

Unlike the English and French, is not unusual to talk about the stages of the "middle" in the Spanish language development. Castilian Spanish originated after the decline of the Roman Empire, as a continuation of Latin in the Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain, in the 8th century and to-9, according to many experts. With the Reconquista, this northern dialect spread to the south, where the language was almost replaced or absorbed the provincial dialects, at the same time when the language was a lot of vocabulary borrowed from Arabic and Moorish influenced by Mozarabic (the Romance language of Christians living in Moorish territory ) and the language of medieval Judeo Spanish (Ladino). These languages ​​are all lost in the Iberian Peninsula at the end of the 16th century.

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