Seeing Shadows Afterimage, Eyes Can Deceptive

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This is post why of my favorite ..
Read it yourself ..
Well observe this picture ..

This is not a moving picture or gif type
Seeing is not beliving. Do not believe it? Look at figure.

We'll see a picture of black dots. But whether there is a black dot in the picture? Maybe we answer "yes". But, in fact the black dot is missing ..

This is not a moving picture or gif type

Why can happen. How a view to deceive us and break our word for it: "i will not believe before seeing with my own eyes." in fact, our own eyes can deceive us. Why is that?
Yes, these images are pictures of illusion, thus producing a shadow image that was not there.


Optical illusion is an illusion that occurs due to the human eye capture errors. There is conventional wisdom that there are physiological illusions and there are cognitive illusions.
Physiological illusions
Physiological illusions, such as the afterimages that occur on or impression of the image that occurred after seeing a very bright light or seeing a specific image pattern in a long time. This allegedly is the effect that occurs in the eye or the brain after a specific stimulus to excess.

Cognitive Illusions
Cognitive illusions are assumed to occur because the notion of something outside the mind. In general, cognitive illusion divided into ambiguous illusions, distorting illusions, paradox illusions and fictional illusion.
In this article we will know more about optical illusions, especially with regard to color.
Optical illusion always involves an image that can be seen visually, but wrongly interpreted by the brain. To find out how an illusion can be formed, we need to know in advance parts of the eye and how it works briefly.

Parts of the eye:
1. Pupil - the cavity in the middle of the eyeball where the entry of light.
2. Cornea - protect eyes and help focus the light.
3. Lens - focuses light onto the retina.
4. Iris - the colored muscle around the pupil and the pupil size set.
5. Optic nerve - conduct impulses to the brain.
When we see an object, the object reflects light and into our eyes through the cornea, pupil, and lens. The light is focused onto the retina and transmitted to the brain to be translated (so we can know what we see).
The point where the optic nerve connects the retina to form a blind spot. In everyday life, these blind spots are not felt because our eyes are always kept moving, and one eye would catch the eye shadow that may be on the other invisible.

So, how we can distinguish colors? When the light into the retina, the light receptors stimulate small and cells called cone-rod tues. Tues rods are responsible for black and white view. Tues cone duty to see other colors. Conical part of a cell to receive a response to red light, and some other blue and green rays. The third combination of these colors form a variety of colors we can see all this. For example, the yellow color goes from red and green colors. The colors are opposite each other, they are: red with green, blue with yellow, and black with white.

The First Illusion
To clarify the above, we can immediately put it into practice.
By looking at a color in a long time (so that light falls on the same area in the retina), the response of cone cells responsible for generating the color will become tired. If we immediately look into the empty area (like a white wall), cone cells are tired it will transmit a weak signal, but the cone cells in the surrounding areas continue to send strong signals. The result, we will see his shadow / afterimage in the opposite color (for example, see the red image, the image will be green).

Let's practice. See picture below for 1 minute at a fixed point, do not move the eyes. After that, immediately see a blank wall. We will see his shadow with color afterimage opposite:

Illusion Into Two
This is another example of an optical illusion associated with the afterimage. See a plus sign in the middle. Over time, the purple circles will disappear, and we will see a green circle that moves.

As the picture on the first illusion, last night i found some pictures in black and white with dots in the middle. Many say it is a miracle, the miracle can be said, but rather to amazing its object, but the magic that creates and gives us eyes. We can see below, focus on the points in the middle of the picture, do not blink for 10 seconds, then look into an empty field (wall) what happens?

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