Secrets Fingerprints Uniqueness

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Fingerprints are a human personal identity, because identity is none that can match. In this world if there are 100 million people from 100 million then none of the same fingerprint. Therefore, the police use this as a unique tool in the investigation of evidence in a case (forensic). Therefore if existing a place where crime, then the scene on the lid so that the fingerprint criminals might be left behind so that his fingerprints were not mixed or broken .

Existing types of fingerprints:
1. Whorl
2. Loop
3. Arch

Characteristics of this fingerprint is parennial nature (carved human fingerprints that have been there since she was born), which means the immutability of existing fingerprints which means uniqueness and individuality of fingerprints is originality owners none of whom resemble ..

Uniquely, this fingerprint can be used as a guide in identifying one's potential, so we can know the talent, the work of a person with fingerprints. Method of identification can be done with invisible by those skilled in their field, or some are using a special tool like a computer that can be analyzed based on the points that can be used as a reference. Other than that which can be identified on a person control logic, reflexes and developing brain. About the form and the fingerprint pattern consisting of three types above have distinctive characteristics:

1. Whorl (circle) is the principal form of fingerprints, has two deltas and at least one circular line in the pattern area, walk in front of the delta. This type consists of plain whorl whorl, central pocket whorl loop, double loop and accidental whorl whorl.
2. Loop is the principal form in which prints one or more lines coming from one side of the painting, ramp, touching or crossing an imaginary line drawn between the delta and the core, stop or inclined towards the side of the original stop.
3. Arch is principal form of fingerprints that all the lines coming from one side of the painting, flow or tend to flow to the other side of the painting, with a bumpy ride in the middle.

Introduction fingerprint test

Ft (fingerprint test) aka fingerprint reading test is a method based on dermatoglyphic, science hundreds of years age. Ft is the genetic blueprint.

Dermatoglyphic from the greek, derma means skin and carved glyphs that are science-based theory of epidermal or skill ridge (lines on the surface of the skin, fingers, palms, feet up). Dermatoglyphic have a strong science base for research supported since 300 years ago.

The researchers found the epidermal ridge has a relationship with the scientific nature of the genetic code of the brain cells and the potential of a person intelligence. The study begins by govard bidloo in 1685. Then, successively conducted by marcello malpighi (1686), jca mayer (1788), john e. Purkinje (1823), dr. Henry faulds (1880), francis galton (1892), harris hawthorne wilder (1897) and noel jaquin (1958).

Beryl b. Hutchinson in 1967 wrote a book called your life in your hands, a book about hand analysis. Finally, the results of research beverly c. Jaegers (1974), the fingerprint is reflected in the characteristics and psychology of a person. Their results have been demonstrated in the field of anthropology and health.

Fingerprint test phase

To check your intelligence through fingerprints, palm originally photographed with a camera that is connected on the monitor screen. Furthermore, the ten fingers scanned on an instrument resembling a computer mouse. The way is by putting the tip of each finger in turn. At that moment, the tenth of your fingerprint has been recorded in a computer. Later, an ft analysts will analyze it.

The results of a detailed analysis can only be given 5 days later, waiting for the results of laboratory analysis in singapore. In indonesia there is not a special laboratory for this ft.

When the full results of the fingerprint record is given to the patient, the team psychologist ready to explain its meaning. For information, describe the vision of the little finger. Ring finger symbolizes the hearing. Middle finger touch by touch, balance, movement and coordination of the hands and feet. Index finger as a process of information (left hand for the logic, the right hand to mind). Thumb to think and make decisions.


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