Phobia Types

Some people have over fears about the world in which we live. Sometimes, the fear was impressed not make sense to other people. For example, fear of flying, fear of narrow spaces, or a fear of spiders. So far, we already know of some types of phobias are common in the community. However, the following may have never crossed your mind.

1. Ablutophobia: Fear for shower, washing, or cleaning the body. Many are found in children and women than in men.

The World's Largest Diamond

The world's largest diamond

Diamonds originate from the deepest part of the volcano which also contain carbon atoms and. Which is in fact a diamond is a transparent crystal which binds the four parts of carbon atoms. Diamond stone surface of the earth carried through volcanic eruptions. According to the study, the increase due to the diamond surface of the earth to melt rock.
Diamonds out of the many miles of the earth's surface, at depths 150 km (90 miles), at a pressure of approximately 5 giga pascal with temperatures around 1200 degrees Celsius (2200 degrees Fahrenheit). Diamonds may be a natural form of other suitable high pressure, relatively low temperatures at the time. Unfortunately however, not diamonds can be formed from the bottom of the sea.

Below are 10 pieces of diamond or diamonds in the world's largest

1. The Golden Jubilee
Weight: 545.67 carats

Golden Jubilee, weighing 545.67 carats, is the largest diamond in the world. When I first found weighed 755 carats and was discovered in Premier mine, South Africa in 1985. Golden Jubilee has been dedicated to the King of Thailand in 1997 for the 50th anniversary of his coronation. Estimated value of the Golden Jubilee is $ 4 - $ 12 million.

2. The Cullinan I - aka the Star of Africa
Weight: 530.20 carats

The Cullinan I, a pear-shaped diamond weighing 530.20 carats is also known as the Star of Africa. Has a size of 53mm x 44mm x 29mm, and has 76 sides. Someone said that Cullinan is the largest of the nine pieces of the previous diamond-shaped stone blocks weighing 3106 carats. Cullinan was placed by King Edward at the Royal Sovereign stick as part of the Crown Jewels, The estimated value of Cullinan I is more than $ 400 million!

3. The Incomparable
Weight: 407.48 carats

The Incomparable (Shepherds), in a rough state weighing 890 carats, was found in the town of Mbuji Mayi in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) in 1980. Four years spent studying and then cut the stone, the lion's share of rough ultimately produce weighing 407.48 carats gem; it is the third largest diamond ever cut. This gem has a size of 53.90 × 35.19 × 28.18 mm.

4. The Cullinan II
Weight: 317.40 carats

Cullinan II is a large cushion-shaped diamond weighing 317.40 carats. Diamond is placed on the front-center of the royal Crown of Great Britain. Cullinan II was cut from the largest gem diamond ever found, weighing 3106 carats, or about 1 1 / 3 pounds. He was named after Sir Thomas Cullinan, who opened the mine for the first time. The nine larger stones of Sir Thomas Cullinan diamond to date remain in the British Crown Jewels or in the personal possession of the royal family.

5. The Spirit of de Grisogono
Weight: 312.24

The Spirit of de Grisogono, weighing 312.24 carats, cut from a chunk of the world's largest black diamond. Assembled in white gold, covered with 702 white diamonds at 36.69 carats. This initially rough diamond weight of 587 carats and was mined decades ago in west central Africa prior to import into Switzerland.

6. The Centenary
Weight: 273.85 carats

The Centenary was found in the Premier mine in 1986, in the form of which weighs 599 carats rough. When cutting the 273.85 carat Centenary completed. Ukuranya 39.90 × 50.50 × 24.55 mm, and has the aspect of 247-164 over a stone and 83 on the bodice. Approximate value of the Centenary diamond is unknown, but the diamond was insured for approximately $ 100 million in 1991.

7. The Jubilee
Weight: 245.35 carats

Jubilee is a cushion-shaped diamond weighing 245.35 carats. This rock was first discovered irregular octagonal with initial weight 650.80 carats. Found in Jagersfontein Mine towards the end of 1895. Diamond early plan is planned to be presented to Queen Victoria. Eventually, however, this did not happen and the diamond remained with their owners. The following year finally presented to the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria to her coronation 75 warnings.

8. The De Beers
Weight: 234.65 carats

The De Beers mine in Kimberly was first discovered in 1888, rough stone weighed 428.50 carats in size 47.6 mm x 38.1 mm. Weighing 234.65 carats, currently The De Beers diamond facet is the world's eighth largest. Having shown in Paris, the Maharaja of Patiala bought the De Beers. In 1928 Cartier diamond weave Paris became a ceremonial necklace that came to be known as the Patiala Necklace. Necklace originally contained about 2930 diamonds weighing about 962.25 carats. However, now the existence of The De Beers Patiala is not known.

9. The Red Cross
Weight: 205.07 carats
The Red Cross canary yellow diamond weighing 205.07 carats. First rough stone weighed 375 carats was found in Kimberly mines (South Africa) in 1901. Diamond was presented as a gift auction house Christie's in 1918, on behalf of the British Red Cross.

10. The Millennium Star
Weight: 203.04 carats

The Millennium Star is internally and externally flawless pear-shaped diamonds (total 54 pieces). Weighing 203.04 carats is the largest order of 10 largest diamonds in the world. At first, the stone diamond weighing 777 carats was found in Mbuji-Mayi district of Zaire (Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1990. After 5 months of study and planning of cutting stone, it was decided to cut the rough diamond into three parts. The Millennium Star is the result of the largest. Value of the stone has not been revealed but the Millennium Star was insured for 100 million pounds.

History of The Space Shuttle

History of The Space Shuttle

Yuri Gagarin's
Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin March 9, 1934 - 27 March 1968) was a Soviet cosmonaut. On April 12, 1961, Gagarin was the first man to fly for 108 minutes into space with Vostok 1 rocket plane. He received many awards and medals of honor, including the medal "Hero of the Soviet Union". Yuri Gagarin became the Deputy Director of Training at the Cosmonaut Training Center outside Moscow. In honor of his services, the training is then called by his name. He died while doing the exercises with the MiG-15 aircraft near Moscow, on November 27, 1968. Based on the commission report, signed by Russian President Russia at the time, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Gagarin cause of death because his plane too sharply while maneuvering to avoid a weather balloon.
Yuri Gagarin successfully explore space. Precisely dated April 12, 1961. Cosmonaut from the Soviet Union was the first person who managed to break through the heavens the earth, exploring space, using a plane Vostok 3KA-3 or better known as Vostok-1.

At that time, Gagarin was in orbit for about 108 minutes and then return to earth safely. That milestone in the history of human exploration into space. After that U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was obsessed to send astronauts to the moon.

Unfortunately, seven years later Gagarin died at the age of 34 years. He had an accident while driving a MIG-15 aircraft, crashed in Moscow.

After Yuri Gagarin successfully explore space, some countries continue to develop competing technology aircraft that can go out the sky. Here are some types of spacecraft ever developed human beings, as reported by NASA.

Photo collage of rare cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin's Vostok 1 spacecraft and launch historic boarding the first manned spaceflight on April 12, 1961 from Baikonur Cosmodrome Site # 1 at 09:07 Moscow time (UTC 607), the Soviet Union. Gagarin was welcomed by Oleg Ivanvosky who now works at the museum Lavochkin R & D. Credit: Oleg Ivanvosky / Evgeny A. Sivukhin / Lavochkin R & D / Roscosmos.

Vostok 1 (Russian: Восток-1, East 1 or Orient 1) is the first spaceflight in Vostok program and the first human spaceflight in history. The Vostok 3KA spacecraft was launched on April 12, 1961. The flight took Yuri Gagarin, a cosmonaut from the Soviet Union, into space. Flight marks the first time that humans entered the outer space, as well as the first orbital flight of a manned vehicle. Vostok 1 was launched by the Soviet space program, and was designed by Soviet engineers guided by Sergey Korolyov under military supervision Kerim Kerimov, and others.

Spaceflight consists of a single orbit of Earth. According to official records, spaceflight took 108 minutes from launch to landing. As planned, Gagarin landed separately from his spacecraft, after being expelled by 7 km parachute (23,000 feet) above the ground. Historian Asif Siddiqi has claimed that Gagarin was in the spacecraft for 108 minutes after launch, and that he did not touch the ground for 10 minutes. (the exact duration is useful for proving that Gagarin completed the full 360-degree orbit in inertial space. the longitude of the launch to landing lasted slightly more than 340 degrees, but the Earth also rotates under it at about 15 degrees per hour while Gagarin is aloft. )

Because of secrecy about Soviet space program at that time, many details spaceflight revealed only years later, and some details in the original press release was false.

Yuri Gagarin (27 years) is the only member of Vostok 1. Vostok spacecraft designed to carry a single cosmonaut. The primary and secondary backup cosmonaut for the mission was Gherman Titov and Grigori Nelyubov. The task was officially created on April 8, four days before the mission, but Gagarin has become a favorite among candidates for cosmonauts for at least several months.

The final decision who will be flying missions rely heavily on the opinion of Nikolai Kamanin. In a diary entry of 5 April, Kamanin wrote that he was still hesitating between Gagarin and Titov He writes:. "The only thing that keeps me from picking is a need to have someone strong to flight one day". Kamanin refers to the second mission, Vostok 2, which will last a full day, compared with single-orbit missions are relatively short Vostok 1. When Gagarin and Titov notified of the decision during a meeting on April 9, Gagarin was very happy, and disappointed Titov On 10 April, the meeting was repeated in front of television cameras, so there will be an official record. the event. This includes the acceptance speech by Gagarin. As an indication of the level of confidentiality is involved, one of the other prospective cosmonauts, Alexey Leonov, then remembered that he did not know who was chosen for the mission until after spaceflight started.

world record
FAI rules in 1961 required that a pilot should land with the spacecraft to be considered an official spaceflight for the FAI record books. At that time, the Soviet Union insisted that Gagarin had landed in Vostok, the government forced the cosmonauts to lie in a press conference, and FAI certified the flight. Soviet Union in 1971 admitted that Gagarin had been issued and landed separately from Vostok descent module [9]:. 283

When Soviet officials fill the FAI papers to register the Vostok 1 flight, they stated that it Baykonur launch site at 47 ° 22'00 "N 65 29'00 °" E. In fact, the launch site is near Tyuratam at 45 ° 55'12 .72 "N 63 ° 20'32 .32" E, 250 km (160 miles) west of the south "Baykonur". They do this to try to keep the location secret Space Center [9]:. 284 In 1995, Russian officials and Tyuratam name Baikonur Kazakhstan.

History of The Space Shuttle

History Rubik's Cube

Rubik's Cube

Rubik's Cube is a mechanical puzzle invented by a Hungarian professor of architecture from the country named Erno Rubik in 1974.


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