Mythology Egypt
1. ANUBIS (Yinepu, Anpu)
Symbols: jackal, ox-hide hanging from a pole, embalming equipment, beating, flag
Cult Center: Heliopolis, Cynopolis
Wolf-god of mummification, he assisted in the rites of a dead man to be accepted in hell. Anubis was revered as the inventor of embalming and the embalming of Osiris at death and thus helping to preserve him that he might live again.
Anubis is portrayed as a man holding a cane with a wolf's head brought by divine kings and gods; only as a black jackal or a dog accompanying Isis.
Anubis had three important functions. He supervised the embalming of the body. He received the mummy in the tomb and perform mouth opening ceremony and then conducted the soul in the Field of Celestial Offer.
Anubis is the son of Nephthys, and his father Osiris. One myth says that Nephthys found Osiris drunk and the resulting birth Anubis seduction. Yet another version says Nephthys disguised as Isis and Osiris and gave birth to tease Anubis.
2. ISIS (Assets)
Symbol: tiet (the "Knot of Isis"), the throne, kite, scorpion, sistrum
Cult Center: Heliopolis, Philae
Isis is the brother of Osiris (who is also her husband), Nephthys and Seth, daughter of Nut and Geb and the mother of Horus.
Isis is portrayed as a woman wearing a head dress vultures and the solar disk between the horns (which sometimes his name written below the symbol heiroglyph). Occasionally he wears a double crown of the North and South with Ma'at feather, or a pair of rams' horns. Isis as a woman (not a goddess) is depicted with the usual head-dress of a woman, but with uraeus on his forehead.
Isis is an important link between gods and humans. The pharaoh was her son, as the living Horus. In the Pyramid Text in Isis suckling the pharaoh.
In the Book of the Dead, Isis was regarded as the giver of life and food for the dead. He is also probably one of the judges of the dead.
Isis is a great magician and renowned for his use of magical skills. For example, he created the first cobra and used it a venomous bite to force Re or Ra (sun god) to reveal the secret.
From the beginning until the end of Egyptian history, Isis was the greatest goddess of Egypt. She is the goddess of love mother beneficial and that includes every living creature. Isis is also a pure example of a wife and loving mother and it was in this capacity that the Egyptians of the most loved.
3. OSIRIS (ASAR, Wesir, Ausar, Unnefer)
Symbols: criminals and hitting, djed, White and Atef Crown, a bull, a mummy, the throne, Bennu (phoenix)
Cult Center: Abydos, and Heliopolis Busiris

Osiris was the first child of Nut and Geb, and therefore brother Seth, Nephthys, and Isis. He is married to his sister, Isis. He is also the father of Horus and Anubis. It states Nephthys (mother of Anubis) assumed as a form of Isis, who teased him (perhaps with wine) and she became pregnant with Anubis.
The oldest religious texts refer to Osiris as the god of the dead, and all of the text is assumed that the reader will understand that he never had a human form and lived on earth. As the first son of Geb, the original king of Egypt, Osiris inherited the throne when Geb release. At that time people - Egyptians barbaric and uncivilized.
The name "Osiris" is the Greek corruption of the Egyptian name "Asar". There are several possibilities as to what this name means (or Usar.), "Strength Eye", is one of them. The other is "She's Looking at the Throne". The oldest and simplest form of the name is the hieroglyph of the throne through the eyes (at least 158 versions of the name). At one point the first syllable of the name was pronounced "Aus" or "Us" and may have gained the meaning of the word usr, "strength, might, power". At this time the Egyptians supposed the name that means something like "the power of the Eye" (ie, the power of the Sun god Re.)
4. RE (Ra)
Symbol: Bennu (phoenix), monument, pyramid, Udjat (Eye of Horus), sun, eagle, bull
Cult Center: Heliopolis
The sun god Annu (Heliopolis, near modern Cairo), he became the god of the state in the Fifth Dynasty ..
His name is thought to mean "creative power", and as a "Creator". In the early history of Egypt, Re is identified with Horus, the falcon-god representing the majesty of the sky. He is depicted as a hawk or a falcon-headed man. A combination of Ra-Hoor-Khuit, "Re, is Horus of the Horizons" show two manifestations of a single solar Force.
Re was the father of Shu and Tefnut, grandfather Nut and Geb, great-grandfather of Osiris, Seth, Isis, Nephthys and grandfather of Horus.
Seeing that the sun is fire, the Egyptians believed that in order to travel through the waters of heaven and the underworld, which is needed is a boat and traveled in a day. On that day, the boat is a large kitchen which is known as "Madjet" ("be strong"), which rises in the east from the back of the "Manu" the mountain, the sun rises and passes between two sycamore. At sunset likened Re rowing boat with a small barge called "Semektet" ("the weak").
5. Seth (Set, Suetekh)
Symbol: Seth-animal, pigs, donkeys, fish
Cult Center: Tanis, Ombos
Regarded as the Lord the Lower (northern) Egypt, Seth was represented by big-eared imaginary animal with red hair like a donkey, or maybe an aardvark. He was associated with the desert and storms. The Greeks who believed their god Seth was represented by Typhon (whirlwind).
For years, Seth is the benefactor of Lower Egypt; like Horus, protected Upper Egypt. When the two lands into a unified, Seth and Horus are often displayed with a new crown of the pharaohs.
Seth is the brother of Osiris, Isis and Nephthys who was also his wife. Son of Nephthys', Anubis was born of trist with Osiris. Seth never had children, as the emphasis of its relationship with the barren desert and its status as the antithesis of Osiris fertile. During the battle with Horus, the goddess Neith suggested a compromise by giving the throne of Horus and Seth Semetic goddess Astarte and ASAT.
Seth is most famous for fratricide - brother of Osiris and the attempted murder his brother's son, Horus. Horus survived though and avenge the death of his father to rule over all Egypt and the exile of Seth to the desert for good. Seth came the decision to dispose of advisors of the gods, ruled by Re. While most of the god Horus and Isis agreed with her mother that the child Osiris' is the legitimate heir to the throne of Egypt, Re disagree. He believed that Horus was too young to hold a strong position. Thus, the trial was deadlocked for years. Isis just a cunning could bring the case ended.
Using her magic, Isis transformed herself into a beautiful young woman. Seth saw the tears streaming down her face and asked what the problem is. Isis tells him no different from the situation and Horus, in which the bad guys had killed her husband and his family tried to steal cattle. Seth became angry at fate, and insisted that the wicked will be destroyed and that young girls should inherit the family. By his own words, cursing him Seth, and lost the throne of Egypt.
Seth is not the person who really - really bad. He protected the sun barge of Re, generous during the struggle with Horus, during the night journey through hell and when fighting a monster like the serpent Apep dengsn.
6.ANQET (Anuket, Anukis, Anket)
Cult Center: Elephantine
Anqet Sahal is the goddess of the island, near the First Cataract of the Nile. He is shown as a woman wearing a crown of ostrich feathers. Sacred animal was the deer. She is the daughter of State,, the wife Khnemu. Together, the three form a triad of Elephantine deities, the main deity of the city. Anqet also known as the goddess of the Nile.
7. MERETSEGER (Goddess of the Valley of the Kings.)
Cult Center: Thebes
Meretseger is the goddess of the Valley of the Kings, the famous cemetery outside of Thebes. He is believed to live in a pyramid-shaped mountain that rises a thousand feet above the Valley of the Kings. In ancient times, the mountain was named after him. He also called "Dehenet Imentet", which means "Peak of the West".
8. Nephthys (Nebt-het, Nebhet)
Symbols: kite, crow, bones and skulls
Cult Center: Heliopolis
Nephthys is the daughter of Geb and Nut and the sister of Osiris, Isis and Seth. He is also the wife of Seth. The name "Nebt-het" means "hostess." With the "house" was conceived as part of the sky where Horus lived. Nephthys is described as a woman wearing on her head the symbol name, or symbol on a pair of horns.
9. Satet, (Sati, satis)
Cult Center: Elephantine
State, is the main female partners Khnemu and worshiped at Elephantine (Abu). She is the mother of the goddess, Anqet.
10. Horus (Hor, Heru, His)
Symbols: hawk / falcon, bull, Double Crown, Winged Disk, Udjat, Sphinx, weapons, iron, blacksmiths
Cult Center: Edfu, Buto and Heliopolis
Falcon-headed god. Horus is one of the most important gods of Egypt. Horus is called - called the children of Atum, or Re, or Geb and Nut. There are many versions of this genealogy of Horus.
Mythology Egypt, anubis, isis, OSIRIS, re, Suetekh, ANQET, MERETSEGER, Nephthys, SATET, Horus
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