Swimming Pool Illusion in Japan

Swimming Pool Illusion in Japan

What is the best activity on a hot day? Swimming is the best answer. This activity is trying to make our bodies stay cool is to soak in water. I think many of us like to swim. This is one exciting sport that we can do with the family. Aside from being a fun activity, swimming is also making our bodies healthy. This is one reason why we love sport pool.
Swimming Pool Illusion in Japan

Beautiful Waterfall in the world


1. Multnomah Falls, United States
Multnomah Falls Columbia River Gorge, along the Historic Columbia River Road east of Troutdale is located between Corbett and Dodson, a waterfall on the Oregon side. , 542 feet (165 meters) from the upper falls and lower falls of 69 feet (21 m) divided into.

Islands in the Earth's Secrets

Islands in the Earth's Secrets

1. Socotra Island – Yemen

Socotra Island of Ko-Ko probably the strangest place on earth! How not, to the position separated from Gondwanaland coast due to tectonic plates, the islands were formed four groups of Socotra desert that contains a variety of biodiversity is abundant, with thousands of species of plants and animals that would not be found elsewhere! 
Socotra Island – Yemen

Bats Most Unique And Weird World-Bats

Bats Most Unique And Weird World-Bats

Bats Most Unique And Weird-bats in the World has long given birth horror stories (vampire bats), myths and misunderstandings (like blindness).
Bats in all shapes and sizes and are creatures that are very interesting and unique. This list is a list of the ten most unusual bat around us.

Dragons Around the world

Dragons Around the world
Chinese Dragon, European Dragon, Indonesian Dragon
The dragon is a legendary creature, usually characterized by a snake or reptile.
There are two different cultural traditions of the dragon: dragon Europe, derived from European folk traditions, and ultimately related to Greek mythology and the Middle East, and the Chinese dragon, namely in Japan, Korea and the countries of East Asia. Both traditions may have evolved separately, but each has influenced to some extent, particularly with cross-cultural contacts of the last century. The English word "dragon" derives from the Greek δράκων (drákōn), "dragon, snake large size, water snake", which probably comes from the verb δρακεῖν (drakeîn) "see clearly".

Mythology Egypt: The Gods

Mythology Egypt

1. ANUBIS (Yinepu, Anpu) 
Symbols: jackal, ox-hide hanging from a pole, embalming equipment, beating, flag 
Cult Center: Heliopolis, Cynopolis 

Wolf-god of mummification, he assisted in the rites of a dead man to be accepted in hell. Anubis was revered as the inventor of embalming and the embalming of Osiris at death and thus helping to preserve him that he might live again.

Anubis is portrayed as a man holding a cane with a wolf's head brought by divine kings and gods; only as a black jackal or a dog accompanying Isis. 

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Chernobyl nuclear reactor

So that we can all know better wrote how the effects of Chernobyl and destruction resulting in particular who, and know the effects of nuclear power plants in general.

Why Can Be Colored

why can be colored

If an object can emit light and objects that emit red light, then the object would look red. Meanwhile, if an object can not emit light, then the object would appear in color according to the color spectrum of the reflected object. Meanwhile, the color spectrum that is not reflected will be absorbed by atoms or molecules making up the object. For example, when illuminated with white light, the leaves will reflect the spectrum of green light-absorbing than the green color spectrum so that the leaves look green.

Survive 438 Days on 'Mars' For $ 100 million

Survive 438 Days on 'Mars' For $ 100 million

Six cosmonauts from Russia, Italy, France, and China, managed to break the endurance record for longest space mission in a simulated landing on Mars for 438 days.

Using the 'plane' named Mars500, they survive from cereal bars and pasta and minimum contact with family and relatives. This simulation was conducted at the Biomedical Institute in Moscow, Russia, and last for approximately 17 months. The plan, the mission will end when it reaches the day to 520.

Rolling Hotel

Rolling Hotel

Rolling Hotel - Hotel that runs like a train. This design is a unique idea Norwegian architecture studio, Milton Jagnefält Architecture, about how to turn a small town Andalsnes.


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